The Federal Budgetary Institution of Science “State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology” of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being is a unique research and production complex equipped with modern instruments and equipment for conducting research work with various pathogenic microorganisms, including pathogens especially dangerous infectious diseases of humans and animals of a bacterial nature.

The mission of the Center is scientific and practical support for countering large-scale infectious biological threats.

Fundamental and applied research of the FBSI SSC PMB is aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge, improving the means and methods of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of especially dangerous infections on the basis of modern achievements of genetics, immunology, and biotechnology.

The main tasks facing the Center:

  • fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of molecular biology, genetic engineering of pathogenic microorganisms, medicine, ecology, biotechnology and veterinary medicine;
  • development and production of bacteriological nutrient media, effective diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic agents against infectious diseases of humans and animals;
  • postgraduate training of specialists (magistracy), training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the field of microbiology and biotechnology through postgraduate studies and competition, professional retraining and advanced training.

In the main areas of scientific activity, the FBSI SSC PMB actively cooperates with scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rospotrebnadzor, and the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Scientific and technical cooperation with leading foreign scientific centers, holding international seminars and conferences.